Building upon the popular Saltwater Basics fly collection
we’ve selected these flies that work well for Redfish and Snook throughout
We divide snook fishing into two distinct methods.
Day fishing for Snook is the classic mangrove and ambush style fishing. Weedless flies are recomended so that the angler can cast far into the mangroves and brush. These casts become more difficult if you start getting hung in the structure, so weedless is prefered. Shrimp patterns, and baitfish patterns are used for this. One of the most common forage fish found in the belly of a snook is a "greenback." So many of the patterns here will feature an olive or chartreuse over white pattern. They love shrimp also. And snook readily will take top water sliders and popper when in the mood.
Night Time Snook fishing is done underneath man made lights. Many private docks have lights hung over the waters surface to attract baitfish and shrimp. This also attracts snook! The fish can feed in a manner suprisingly similar to a mountain trout. Selectively sipping and snapping the glass minnows and shrimp from the surface. The typical fly used here is a "whitish" shrimp pattern, or a small "whitish" baitfish pattern.
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