"Allen, you had me on the first false cast" - Tarpon
Submitted by David Tassos
"That's right baby... I am wearing Simms, my favorite color is tan, and I am a fly fishing poon ninja!" - Allen
Submitted by Chris Kincaid
"Shall We Dance"
Submitted by Patrick Henry
"Get in my belly!"
Submitted by Meshaun Cundiff
"What? You want to throw me back in so I can let you catch me? Dude, I'm already dead...no one would believe you just caught me!"
Submitted by Elissa Motter
"Thank you for loving me just the way that I am! Let's go to Andy Thornal together."
Submitted by Ursula Herrington Phillips
"Hey, You're not my Daddy!"
Submitted by Ken from Fly Tying